Since I’m from Europe, the prices are displayed in Euro (€).
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Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
60 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person, via video call, or via phone call.
- Entails coaching in personal development, healthy lifestyle (including nutrition, exercise, social relationships, mental & emotional well-being), or any other concern you would like to discuss.
Relationship Coaching
60 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person or via video call. If two people are present, 90-minute sessions often work better.
- Entails evidence-based counseling on issues you would like to discuss and coaching to strengthen your relationship.
Parenting Coaching & Family Counseling
60 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person, via video, or by phone call (depending on the topic).
- Entails guidance on how best to raise happy and healthy kids and/or systemic counseling on a family matter you would like to discuss.
E-mail Coaching
- Possible for holistic lifestyle, relationship, and family coaching.
- The price is for one DIN A4 page (Times New Roman, font size 12, line distance 1,15). If it takes five e-mails to fill that page, you get five e-mails, including my answers, for your 70€. Please send me a short e-mail letting me know you’re interested in e-mail coaching before you tell me about your matter. That is important to check my availability and take care of the payment beforehand.
Individual Guided Meditation
40 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person or via video call.
- Entails a guided meditation of the kind you like (e.g., focused, mindfulness, movement, mantra, or loving-kindness meditation) and guidance on implementing meditation in your daily life if you wish.
Group Guided Meditation
40 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person (min 4 & max 12 participants) or online (min 4 participants).
- Entails different kinds of guided meditation (e.g., focused, mindfulness, movement, mantra, or loving-kindness meditation) according to the schedule. If you book as a group, you can choose which kind of meditation you would like to be guided in.
Yoga Group Session (short)
50 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person (min 4 & max 15 participants) or online (min 4 participants).
- Entails guided yoga asana practice (incl. relaxation position at the end) in different yoga styles (e.g., Hatha, Yin, or Vinyasa) according to the schedule.
Yoga Group Session (long)
90 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person (min 4 & max 15 participants) or online (min 4 participants).
- Entails guided yoga asana practice (incl. relaxation position at the end) in different yoga styles (e.g., Hatha, Yin, or Vinyasa) according to the schedule.
Shinrin Yoku: Forest Bathing
180 minutes
- Sessions take place in the forest (min 3 & max 8 participants).
- Entails mindfulness practice, awareness, breathing exercises, and gentle physical activity in the forest to benefit from the healing power of its atmosphere.
Nature Therapy Session
90 minutes
- Sessions can take place in various natural spaces according to your preference and needs; however, the forest is recommended for the first session.
- Entails exploration of a question or issue you would like to learn more about, using nature to guide you during the session. It can simply mean just being out in nature while talking about your matter and being aware of our surroundings, but it can also include the natural areas (e.g., it can mean using trees for support or a lineup).
Environmental Sustainability Guidance
30 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person, via video call, or phone call.
- Entails guidance on making more environmentally sound choices in your everyday life that fit your personal needs and questions.
Environmental Sustainability Guidance
Group Session / 30 minutes
- Sessions are possible in person, via video call or phone call (min 3 participants).
- Entails guidance on making more environmentally sound choices in your everyday life that fit your personal needs and questions.
Basic Coaching Package
4 x 60 minutes
- Includes 4 sessions (60 minutes each) of any kind of coaching (lifestyle, relationship, parenting).
Premium Coaching Package
10 x 60 minutes
- Includes 10 sessions (60 minutes each) of any kind of coaching (lifestyle, relationship, parenting).
E-mail Coaching Package
5 x DIN A4 pages
- Includes 5 DIN A4 pages (Times New Roman, font size 12, line distance 1,15) of e-mails (note that it’s not 5 e-mails, but 5 pages. If you use 15 e-mails to fill those pages, you get 15 e-mails including my answers in this package).
Positive Mindfulness Training
8 x 90 minutes
- Includes 8 group sessions, 90 minutes each (min 4 & max 12 participants).
Balance Package
8 x yoga + 2 x meditation
- Includes 8 long* yoga group sessions and 2 guided (group) meditations.
- *You can also participate in the short group sessions instead.
Mindful and Balanced Package
PMT + 5 x yoga + 1 x meditation
- Includes the positive mindfulness training, 5 long* yoga group sessions, and 1 individual guided meditation.
- *You can also participate in the short group sessions instead.
Nature Experience Package
1 x shinrin yoku + 2 x nature therapy + 1 x environmental sustainability guidance
- Includes 1 shinrin yoku (forest bathing) group session (180 minutes), 2 individual nature therapy sessions (90 minutes each), and 1 environmental sustainability guidance individual session (30 minutes).
Currency calculator
Currency Converter EUR/USD: Tue, 11 Feb.
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