In lifestyle coaching – as well as in relationship or parenting coaching – you are the expert in your own life. I’ll assist you with my know-how, ask questions, guide in the right direction, and inspire you when you need it. Together we can make you achieve your goals.
Holistic lifestyle coaching
A coaching session can involve anything from goal-oriented or personality development coaching to well-being and health-oriented lifestyle coaching, including but not limited to topics like general nutrition, nutrient advice, exercise, mental and emotional health, social relationships, as well as other essential health factors. You decide which areas are interesting for you and which aren’t.
Holistic lifestyle coaching sessions take 60 minutes and can happen in person, in a video call, or on the phone. Depending on your wishes and goals, e-mail coaching is also possible.

Relationship coaching
To improve your relationship and help you flourish as a couple, we’ll use scientific research results on what makes relationships work and what harms them to establish the state of your partnership and strengthen it moving forward. In the process, you’ll learn how to communicate more effectively, develop a deeper understanding of each other, and promote trust and intimacy.
Relationship coaching sessions take about 60 or 90 minutes and can happen in person or via a video call.

Parenting coaching & family counseling
In parenting coaching, you’ll learn what your children need to grow up happy and healthy and what you need to be happy while raising your kids as well. With a systemic approach, we can also take a closer look at issues in your family.
The duration of a session in parenting coaching and family counseling depends on the topic you would like to discuss and how many family members will join the session. Sessions can occur in person, on a video call, or the phone.

Want to learn how to coach other people yourself?
Check out the Living Health Academy!